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Membuat Efek Urban dengan Adobe Photoshop

Saya pake adobe photoshop CS3.. dan kebanyakan tutorial photoshop ilmuphotoshop.com menggunanan Photoshop CS3..

Kemaren ada yang nanya, photoshop bisa dipake buat bikin efek urban seperti di Corel Draw atau Adobe Illustrator ga ? saya bilang bisa…. padahal waktu itu yang namanya efek urban saya blom tau kayak gimana.. hehehe.. sok tau ya.. tapi biarin aja.. toh dari foto menjadi gambar vektor aja bisa dibuat pake photoshop kok ( Ini link nya )… padahal bagusnya gambar vektor itu dibikin pake Adobe Illustrator atau Corel Draw .

Setelah saya search di google… jadi tau deh efek urban wujudnya kayak gimana… hmm .. gak update yaa saya…efek urban aja gak tau hehehe.. maklum lah pekerja kantoran mah susah bagi waktu buat update informasi.. halah.. facebook-an aja bisa ? nah lo.. :p

Ya udah.. sekarang kita coba buat yang namanya efek urban..

Di efek ini kita butuh bantuan Brush yang berbentuk Bunga, daun dan swirl.

Download dulu Brush nya >> Klik disini <<.

Cara Installnya :

Setelah di download.. extract file brush.rar pake WinRar. kalo blom ada winrar, Download winrar disini.

setelah di extract file Swirls_And_Flowers_Brushes.abr .. copy ke c://program files/adobe/photoshop/preset/brush/

Klik 2x file tersebut.. nanti kebuka photoshop nya kan ? nah brush nya sudah terinstall.. Congratulation!! :)

Sekarang buka dokumen baru .. kalo mau dijadiin wallpaper pake ukuran standard wallpaper aja 1024 px x 768 px

urban effect 1

klik gradient tool, buat radial gradient (warna terserah aja ya.. mau sama juga gpp kok.. gak dilarang )

urban effect 2

ini nanti fungsi nya sebagai background.

sekarang buka gambar yang mau dijadiin korban nya..

Saya pake gambar sepupu saya yang masih kecil ..

Seleksi objek dengan pen tool .. settingannya ada di bawah nih.. santai aja yaa nyeleksi nya.. biar nanti jadinya bagus.

urban effect 3

Kalo udah beres terseleksi , klik kanan > make selection

urban effect 4

kalo udah terseleksi, Drag gambar yang udah terseleksi ke dokumen baru yang dikasih warna gradient hijau. otomatis akan terbentuk layer baru (gambar objek yang tlah terseleksi)

di layer gambar : Klik Filter >artistic > Cutout ( settingan nya terserah yaa.. karena tergantung besar kecilnya gambar juga )

urban effect 5

klik Ctrl + J untuk menduplikat layer gambar.

urban effect 6

Klik 2x layer hasil duplikat tadi untuk menampilkan blending options , atau klik kanan > blending options

setting color overlay nya

urban effect 7

jangan dulu di OK ya.. sekarang lanjutin ke Outer glow

urban effect 8

Eits.. jangan dulu di OK.. setting juga stroke nya

urban effect 9

hasil sementara :

urban effect9a

buat layer baru di atas layer background .. klik layer > new > layer ..

urban effect 10

gunakan paint bucket tool untuk mewarnai layer baru tadi dengan warna putih.

urban effect 11

matiin kedua layer objek atau layer gambar .. dengan mengklik icon mata di pinggir layer.

Gunakan brush tool (softround 300 px, warna Hitam ) untuk membuat bulatan seperti gambar.

urban effect 12

Klik Filter > pixelate > color halftone

urban effect 13

Klik Select > Color range

urban effect 14

sekarang terseleksi bagian dots nya kan ? nah untuk menghapus warna putihnya .. klik select > inverse .. lalu teken DELETE di keyboard. Tekan CTRL + D untuk menghilangkan seleksi

urban effect 15

Klik 2x layer dots tadi untuk mengeluarkan blending options.. atau klik kanan > blending option ..

edit color overlay nya..

urban effect 16

duplikat layer dots tadi dengan menekan ctrl +J , kecilin atau besarin ukurannya.. buat beberapa buah Dots.

ubah warna nya dengan mengganti warna di blending option > color overlay

urban effect 17

hasilnya :

urban effect 18

Sekarang kita beri starburst

tutorial nya ada disini : Efek Starburst

tapi sekarang saya buat dengan manual aja ya..

Klik Pen Tool .. Jenis pen : Shape layer, warna putih

buat seperti contoh dibawah ya..

urban effect 19

ubah layer efek menjadi overlay lalu opacity dan fill sekitar 50%

urban effect 20

Buat layer baru di atas layer Shape 1 .. klik Layer > new > layer

sekarang kita bersenang-senang dengan brush yang tadi udah di install ..

Klik Brush tool .. klik kanan di area gambar nanti muncul brush option

klik jenis brush yang mau dipake : saya pake no 375 dan diameter 370 px

urban effect 21

klik di gambar sesuai kreatifitas masing-masing

urban effect 22

buat layer baru dan gunakan brush yang lain nya..

nanti ubah-ubah warna nya pake blending option > color overlay atau ubah layer effect nya jadi Overlay .. pokoknya semua terserah anda.. hehehe..

hasilnya :

urban effect 23

bisa juga diganti warna background nya..

urban effect 24

hasil dengan gambar lain :

efek urban

Selamat berkreasi deh ya.

Artikel Membuat
Efek Urban dengan Adobe Photoshop
ini dipersembahkan oleh
Tutorial Photoshop Gratis. Kunjungi Wallpaper, Font, Desktop Theme Gratis Pokoknya
Serba Gratis. Baca Juga Cara Membuat Foto manjadi Vektor,

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Misc. Cheats
Enter the following codes without spaces at the Press Enter screen before loading a profile:

Cheat Effect

gimmevisual1 = Unlocks Visual Upgrades Tier 1
gimmevisual2 = Unlcoks Visual Upgrades Tier 2
needperformance1 =Unlocks Performance Upgrades Tier 1
needperformance2 =Unlcoks Performance Upgrades Tier 2
goforoldspice =Unlocks Old Spice Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
needmybestbuy =Unlocks Best Buy Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
gotmycingular =Unlocks Cingular Sponsor Vinyl * works in career*
gottahavebk =Unlocks Burger King Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
gottaedge =Unlocks Edge Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
ordermebaby =Gives $1,000 to start Career mode, and Unlocks Nissan Skyline and Mazda RX-8 in Quick Race
opendoors =The Doors sponsor car
yodogg =Snoop Dogg sponsor car
wannacapone =Capone sponsor car
shinestreetbright =ShinestStreet sponsor car
wantmyd3 =D3 sponsor car
davidchoeart =David Choe sponsor car
tunejapantuning =Japantuning sponsor car
gimmechingy =Chingy Navigator sponsor car
gottaedge =Edge vinyl in Career mode
regmybank =Extra 200 in the bank in Career Mode

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Retouching Foto dengan Efek Glamour


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Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God Lyrics

avenged sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

A Lonely Road
Crossed Another
Cold State Line
Miles away
From those I Love
Purpose hard to Find

While I Recall all the World
You Spoke to me
Can't help but wish that
i Was There
back Where I'd love to be..

oh yeah..

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again

There's Nothing
Her For Me on
The Barren Road
There's No One
Here While The
City Sleeps
and all the shops
Are closed

Can't Help but
think of the times
i've had With You
Pictures and some
Memories will have
to help me through

Oh Yeah..

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again

Some Search,
Never Finding away
Before Love They
Waste away
I found You
Something told Me
to stay

I gave in,
to selfish ways
and how i Miss
Some One to Hold
When hope Begins
to Fade

A Lonely Road
Crossed Another
Cold State Line
Miles away
From those I Love
Purpose hard to Find

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again



[ thanks to EdoyE_LoseR[at]Capcai.com for submit this lyric ]

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Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God Lyrics

avenged sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

A Lonely Road
Crossed Another
Cold State Line
Miles away
From those I Love
Purpose hard to Find

While I Recall all the World
You Spoke to me
Can't help but wish that
i Was There
back Where I'd love to be..

oh yeah..

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again

There's Nothing
Her For Me on
The Barren Road
There's No One
Here While The
City Sleeps
and all the shops
Are closed

Can't Help but
think of the times
i've had With You
Pictures and some
Memories will have
to help me through

Oh Yeah..

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again

Some Search,
Never Finding away
Before Love They
Waste away
I found You
Something told Me
to stay

I gave in,
to selfish ways
and how i Miss
Some One to Hold
When hope Begins
to Fade

A Lonely Road
Crossed Another
Cold State Line
Miles away
From those I Love
Purpose hard to Find

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again



[ thanks to EdoyE_LoseR[at]Capcai.com for submit this lyric ]

powered by lirik lagu indonesia

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Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God Lyrics

avenged sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

A Lonely Road
Crossed Another
Cold State Line
Miles away
From those I Love
Purpose hard to Find

While I Recall all the World
You Spoke to me
Can't help but wish that
i Was There
back Where I'd love to be..

oh yeah..

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again

There's Nothing
Her For Me on
The Barren Road
There's No One
Here While The
City Sleeps
and all the shops
Are closed

Can't Help but
think of the times
i've had With You
Pictures and some
Memories will have
to help me through

Oh Yeah..

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again

Some Search,
Never Finding away
Before Love They
Waste away
I found You
Something told Me
to stay

I gave in,
to selfish ways
and how i Miss
Some One to Hold
When hope Begins
to Fade

A Lonely Road
Crossed Another
Cold State Line
Miles away
From those I Love
Purpose hard to Find

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again



[ thanks to EdoyE_LoseR[at]Capcai.com for submit this lyric ]

powered by lirik lagu indonesia

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